Installing a Fire Protection System is something that needs to be entrusted to professionals like Strategic Connections.  That added element of water only adds to the complexity and delicate nature of this Fire Protection.

From Fire Protection system inspection, to design, to installation, to maintenance, Strategic Connections has all the bases covered.

For Fire Alarm and Fire Protection EMERGENCIES, You must CALL this emergency number:



Raleigh Fire Protection companies
raleigh fire protection system design | fire protection system installation
Sprinkler Maintenance, Fire Protection

Why You Need A Great Fire Protection System

A key part of any building project is making sure that all the features necessary are present in your building. From the correct cabling to sound masking to distributed antenna systems, there are dozens of systems that go into a good and correct building. One of the most important of these is your fire protection system. Cabling may allow faster communication, and distributed antenna systems may allow for your salespeople to take their calls from their offices, but only a good fire protection system can literally be the difference between life and death, or at least the difference between relatively minor damage and damage that could put you out of business.

autosprink cad software

Fire Protection System Designs by Strategic Connections

We have been in business since 1998 and have experience with much of the cabling and design backends of buildings, meaning that we understand the best way to install fire protection systems around our other systems. We also only hire the best employees and insist that they are NICET-certified. Our designers use the AutoSprink 3D CAD software to guarantee that we are making the best design that will most efficiently cover your entire building. Check out view the abilities of the software we use.

Contact Us to Design Your Fire Protection System

Our design process guarantees you the best and most cost-effective solution to your fire protection system design needs. If you would like to learn more, contact us today by calling 800-255-5664 or filling out the form below.

Fire Protection Installation Services

At Strategic Connections, we understand how difficult it can be to deal with the various complexities of installing a fire protection system. Unlike electric wires or fiber-optic cable, you have to worry about pressure, leaks, and an entirely new element being introduced to your building concerns in the form of water. We also understand that it can be very difficult finding a company that understands all of the different processes involved in the installation of all of the separate systems that make a workspace a safe and efficient location. Fortunately, Strategic Connections is here for you. We have been in business as a cabling and Fire Protection company since 1998, and we have experience with numerous different aspects of the behind-the-scenes wiring and installation that is part and parcel of any successful business operation. These installation projects often require a delicate touch, as the pipes must be installed in such a way as to guarantee their function in the case of an emergency while simultaneously fitting them around existing Sound Masking, venting, BDA systems, or Structured Cabling systems. Many companies that install fire protection systems do not have the expertise with the other systems at play here, and therefore cannot guarantee that they understand the complicated systems at play in their installations. We at Strategic Connections are experts in these fields, and can therefore guarantee that we will understand the processes involved.

Fire Protection Diesel Pump Room
Fire Protection Diesel Pump Room

The Strategic Connections Difference

Due to our experiences in multiple different industries, Strategic Connections is uniquely positioned to be the best at fire protection installation. Our experiences with other parts of the business design process have taught us the best ways to integrate your Fire Protection system with the rest of the systems in your facility. We understand the need to be aesthetic without being ineffective, and we understand your desire to have the entire process be as quick and painless as possible. Therefore, we hire only the best and most experienced employees, who are each extensively trained on the most current safety regulations in today’s construction industry. We want to make sure that you get the best service possible for your fire protection installation.

Schedule your Fire Protection Installation

Strategic Connections understands that getting a major project like a Fire Protection System installed can be a large undertaking. You have to trust the company doing the installation to correctly place and connect a potentially life-saving device while not disturbing the rest of the systems present in your facility. On a more basic level, your fire protection installation company needs to understand basic architecture.

Contact Strategic Connections for Fire Protection System Installation Today

Due to our experience with our many different service areas, Strategic Connections is uniquely positioned to provide you with top-quality fire protection installation while not disturbing the rest of the systems in your building.  Call Strategic Connections at 800-255-5664 to get started today!

Strategic Connections’ Fire Protection Inspections

Fire is one of the most destructive disasters that can happen to your business. Throughout history, fires have destroyed countless cities and consumed priceless artifacts. Even today, fire is a great risk for companies. At Strategic Connections, we understand how destructive fire can be to your business and your people, and we encourage people to make sure that their fire protection gear has been inspected to the level that will keep you and your employees safe. We employ NICET (National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies) certified and state-licensed inspection technicians who are able to judge whether your property is meeting the safety needs of the state, your clients, and your employees.

NFPA-25 Compliant Fire Protection Inspections

To someone whose primary concern is running their business, the NFPA-25 Fire Protection Inspection checklist can be as impenetrable as if it were written in a foreign language. Strategic Connections’ inspectors, however, are all NICET-certified and ready to make sure your fire protection system is ready with a thorough inspection. They will check such things as piping, gauges, sprinkler heads, water tanks, valves, and pressure to make sure that all of these disparate pieces fit together into one whole system that will pass Fire Protection Inspection with flying colors.

Strategic Connections can also conduct a number of other Fire Prevention Inspections beyond the standard NFPA-25 Compliance. We also inspect Backflow Preventers, Fire Pumps, and Fire Extinguishers. Whatever the inspection task is, Strategic Connections’ Fire Prevention Inspectors can make sure that you’re safe and well-prepared.

A Thorough Solution for Fire Protection Inspections

At Strategic Connections, we understand that your business is your business. You shouldn’t have to learn how every segment of your Fire Protection system functions so you can run your business. You should have the confidence to know that it will work just in case the terrible happens. For such a heavy task, you need someone with the expertise to not overlook anything and the professionalism to treat the inspection with the respect that it deserves.

Fire Protection System Inspections

Contact Us for Fire Protection System Inspections

Strategic Connections cares about the safety of your employees and your business, and we have Fire Protection Inspection experts available. Call us today at 800-255-5664 if you want to make sure you’re protected!

Fire Protection System Testing, Maintenance, and Repair

One of the most important, but often overlooked, steps in keeping your company safe is making sure that your Fire Protection System is routinely tested and maintained. A fire protection system is only as good as the testing and maintenance done on it. If the system doesn’t work when it needs to, then in the end it is worthless. At Strategic Connection, we understand and believe in the saying that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” As such, we try to encourage our clients to make sure that we test, maintain and repair their systems. It’s better to catch and fix a problem than it is for that problem to remain undiscovered and unfixed until it becomes a critical flaw in your Fire Protection System.

Fire Protection Diesel Pump Room

24/7 Fire Protection Service from Strategic Connections

We understand that things don’t break on a schedule. It is impossible to plan for a broken sprinkler pipe at 3 AM, and you can’t put a busted pipe on the calendar 2 weeks from now. That’s why Strategic Connections has a 24/7 Fire Protection Maintenance team, that can respond to your malfunction before it becomes a danger to your employees or property.

Even if nothing breaks and becomes a service issue, it is always best to keep your system in good repair and well-maintained. Maintenance and early recognition of deficiencies increase the reliability of a fire protection system while decreasing overall cost in maintaining a system. These cost-savings can not only be redirected into making your business better, you can do it secure in the knowledge that your employees and business assets are safe and well-defended by your Fire Protection System

Maintain your Fire Protection System with Strategic Connections

Strategic Connections has been around long enough to understand the value of preventative maintenance. We are a company with many different departments, and maintenance is important in everyone. Fire Prevention, however, is the only one where maintaining your system could literally be a matter of life and death.

Contact Strategic Connections Today For Fire Protection Maintenance

If you wish to make sure that your system has a maintenance team on standby, call Strategic Connections today at 800-255-5664!

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